
The primary somatosensory (S1) cortex plays a key role in distinguishing different sensory stimuli. Vibrotactile touch information is conveyed from the periphery to the S1 cortex through three major classes of mechanoreceptors: slowly adapting type 1 (SA1), rapidly adapting (RA), and Pacinian (PC) afferents. It has been a long-standing question whether specific populations in the S1 cortex preserve the peripheral segregation by the afferent submodalities. Here, we investigated whether S1 neurons exhibit specific responses to two distinct vibrotactile stimuli, which excite different types of mechanoreceptors (e.g., SA1 and PC afferents). Using in vivo two-photon microscopy and genetically encoded calcium indicator, GCaMP6s, we recorded calcium activities of S1 L2/3 neurons. At the same time, static (<1 Hz) and dynamic (150 Hz) vibrotactile stimuli, which are known to excite SA1 and PC, respectively, were pseudorandomly applied to the right hind paw in lightly anesthetized mice. We found that most active S1 neurons responded to both static and dynamic stimuli, but more than half of them showed preferred responses to either type of stimulus. Only a small fraction of the active neurons exhibited specific responses to either static or dynamic stimuli. However, the S1 population activity patterns by the two stimuli were markedly distinguished. These results indicate that the vibrotactile inputs driven by excitation of distinct submodalities are converged on the single cells of the S1 cortex, but are well discriminated by population activity patterns composed of neurons that have a weighted preference for each type of stimulus.

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