
In this paper, we consider the existence of multiple solutions of the following critical nonlocal elliptic equations with magnetic field: \begin{document}$\begin{align} \left\{\begin{aligned} (-i\nabla-A(x))^2u& = \lambda |u|^{p-2}u+\left(\int_{\Omega}\frac{|u(y)|^{2^*_\alpha}}{|x-y|^{\alpha}}dy\right)|u|^{2^*_\alpha-2}u\quad {\rm in}\quad \Omega,\\ &u = 0\quad \partial\Omega,\\ \end{aligned}\right. \end{align}\;\;\;\;(1)$ \end{document} where $ i $ is imaginary unit, $ N\geq4 $, $ 2^*_\alpha = \frac{2N-\alpha}{N-2} $ with $ 0<\alpha<4 $, $ \lambda>0 $ and $ 2\leq p<2^* = \frac{2N}{N-2} $. Suppose the magnetic vector potential $ A(x) = (A_1(x), A_2(x),..., A_N(x)) $ is real and local Hölder continuous, We show by the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory that (1) has at least $ cat_\Omega(\Omega) $ nontrivial solutions for $ \lambda $ small.

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