
We consider the multiple quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics of a gas of spin carrying molecules in nanocavities. MQ NMR dynamics is determined by the residual dipole-dipole interactions, which are not averaged completely due to the molecular diffusion in nanopores. Since the averaged nonsecular Hamiltonian describing MQ NMR dynamics depends on only one coupling constant, this Hamiltonian commutes with the square of the total spin angular momentum Î2. We use the basis of common eigenstates of Î2 and the projection of I on the external magnetic field for investigation of MQ NMR dynamics. This approach allows us to study MQ NMR dynamics in systems consisting of several hundreds of spins. The analytical approximation of the stationary profile of MQ coherences is obtained. The analytical expressions for MQ NMR coherence intensities of the five-spin system in a nanopore are found. Numerical investigations allow us to find the dependencies of intensities of MQ coherences on their orders (the profiles of MQ coherences) in systems consisting of 600 spins and even more. It is shown that the stationary MQ coherence profile in the considered system is an exponential one.

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