
We investigate analytically and numerically the multiple-quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics in systems of nuclear spins $1∕2$ coupled by the dipole-dipole interactions in the case of the dipolar ordered initial state. We suggest two different methods of MQ NMR. One of them is based on the measurement of the dipolar temperature in the quasiequilibrium state which is established after the time of order ${\ensuremath{\omega}}_{\mathit{loc}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$ (${\ensuremath{\omega}}_{\mathit{loc}}$ is the dipolar local field) after the MQ NMR experiment. The other method uses an additional resonance ${(\ensuremath{\pi}∕4)}_{y}$ pulse after the preparation period of the standard MQ NMR experiment in solids. Many-spin clusters and correlations are created faster in such experiments than in the usual MQ NMR experiments and can be used for the investigation of many-spin dynamics of nuclear spins in solids.

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