
<p style='text-indent:20px;'>We investigate existence of stationary solutions to an aggregation/diffusion system of PDEs, modelling a two species predator-prey interaction. In the model this interaction is described by non-local potentials that are mutually proportional by a negative constant <inline-formula><tex-math id="M1">\begin{document}$ -\alpha $\end{document}</tex-math></inline-formula>, with <inline-formula><tex-math id="M2">\begin{document}$ \alpha>0 $\end{document}</tex-math></inline-formula>. Each species is also subject to non-local self-attraction forces together with quadratic diffusion effects. The competition between the aforementioned mechanisms produce a rich asymptotic behavior, namely the formation of steady states that are composed of multiple bumps, i.e. sums of Barenblatt-type profiles. The existence of such stationary states, under some conditions on the positions of the bumps and the proportionality constant <inline-formula><tex-math id="M3">\begin{document}$ \alpha $\end{document}</tex-math></inline-formula>, is showed for small diffusion, by using the functional version of the Implicit Function Theorem. We complement our results with some numerical simulations, that suggest a large variety in the possible strategies the two species use in order to interact each other.</p>

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