
Search and rescue (SAR) operations in a tragedy affected area is challenging. The rescue robots helps in the exploration of unknown, confined and cluttered environments. Multiple robots are developed will to explore the disaster affected region and will be able to detect any people or living beings present there. The robots have living beings as their targets in tragedy affected area. The multiple robots deployed in the field, traverse through the tragedy affected area. A novel algorithm has been developed which helps in finding the target. The rescue robots are programmed to find the shortest and less obstacle path to reach the target. Due to the tragedy affected environment, the robots decides the moving direction based on the information gathered by sensors such that the optimal path between start and goal positions can be found. The path to target by the robots are shared among them and best path is chosen among them. The robots explore and searches the region avoiding the obstacles and whenever it comes into contact with a living being it shares the information among other robots. The CO2 level of the particular region is also checked to know whether the person is in breathing state. The algorithm will be developed in order to increase the pace of the search and to locate the living being. The SAR robots have application over tragedy affected areas like earthquake, avalanche, etc.

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