
AbstractThe companion paper showed that multiple steady state groundwater levels can exist within a hill‐slope Boussinesq‐vegetation model under daily stochastic forcing. Using a numerical limit‐cycle continuation algorithm, the steady states (henceforth attractors) and the threshold between them (henceforth repellor) were quantified at a range of saturated lateral conductivity values, . This paper investigates if stochastic daily forcing can switch the catchment between both of the attractors. That is, an attractor may exist under average forcing conditions but can stochastic forcing switch the catchment into and out of each of the attractor basins?; i.e., making the attractor emerge. This was undertaken using the model of the companion paper and by completing daily time‐integration simulations at six values of the saturated lateral hydraulic conductivity, ; three having two attractors and three having only a deep water table attractor. By graphically analyzing the simulations, and comparing against simulations from a model modified to have only one attractor, multiple attractors were found to emerge under stochastic daily forcing. However, the emergence of attractors was significantly more subtle and complex than that suggested by the companion paper. That is, an attractor may exist but never emerge; both attractors may exist and both may emerge but identifying the switching between attractors was often ambiguous; and only one attractor may exist and but a second temporary attractor may exist and emerge during periods of high precipitation. This subtle and complex emergence of attractors was explained using continuation analysis of the climate forcing rate, and not a model parameter such as . It showed that the temporary attractor existed over a large range of values and this suggests that more catchments may have multiple attractors than suggested by the companion paper. By combining this continuation analysis with the time‐integration simulations, hydrological signatures indicative of a switch of multiple attractors were proposed. These signatures may provide a means for identifying actual catchments that have switched between multiple attractors.

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