
The widespread use of e-bikes and e-scooters powered by lithium-ion batteries in urban settings has heightened safety concerns, particularly the risk of thermal runaway, which can result in dangerous incidents. The surge in battery-related fire incidents highlights the critical need for a deep understanding of thermal runaway phenomena. This study addresses this imperative by introducing a Multiphysics model combining pseudo-bidimensional electrochemical for simulating electrical performance, lumped thermal model for simulating the heat transfer behavior inside the module, and a thermal runaway kinetic model for propagation evaluation. This approach facilitates precise predictions of battery performance and proactively addresses safety concerns by incorporating thermal behavior simulations and predicting potential thermal runaway events. The model proposed allows the evaluation of different strategies for improving battery safety and performance, such as phase change materials and thermal insulators. Simulations reveal that implementing sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate (Na2HPO4··12H2O) as an intercell material substantially enhances thermal management. This material reduced the maximum temperature of the battery module by up to 30% during critical thermal runaway events. Additionally, it slowed the rate of temperature increase by 50%, significantly decreasing the possibility of adjacent cells reaching thermal runaway conditions. The research findings demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced thermal management strategies using PCMs to prevent potentially catastrophic thermal events in battery modules typical of micro-mobility devices.

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