
The implementation growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) may increase the complexity of the data transmission process between smart devices. The route generation process between available nodes on the network will burden the intermediary node. One of the possible solutions for resolving the problem is the integration of Software Defined Networks and IoT (SD-IoT) to provide network automation and management. The separation of networking control and data forwarding functions may provide a multipath delivery path between each node in the IoT environment. In addition, the controller can directly extract the resource usage of the intermediary devices, which can be utilized as the routing metric variable in order to maintain the resource utilization on the intermediary devices. Instead of using traditional routing, this paper aims to develop multipath routing based on Deep First Search (DFS) and Dijkstra algorithms for acquiring an efficient path using OpenFlow-based routing metrics. The traffic monitoring module delivered the metrics extraction process, which obtained the variables using Port and Aggregate Flow Statistic features. The metrics calculation aimed to provide the multipath, which was constructed based on switches resource usage. Each selected path was chosen based on the smallest cost and probability provided by the group table feature in OpenFlow. The results showed that the Dijkstra algorithm could create the multipath more swiftly than DFS with a time difference of 0.6 s. The Quality of Service (QoS) results also indicated that the proposed routing metric variables could maintain the transmission process efficiently.

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