
Shipboard integratedpower systems (SIPSs) usually have multifaceted operational objectives in engineering scenarios, and many key tasks are performed by multiple pulsed power loads (PPLs) with a high power density. Owing to the complexity of the ocean environment, the optimization of SIPS comprehensive performance remains challenging. This article proposes a multiobjective energy management strategy of multiple PPLs in SIPSs. A multiobjective energy coordination model is formulated. By identifying typical operation modes of the SIPS based on discrepant priority, the PPL utility and maneuverability are incorporated into the comprehensive regulation objective in the form of a weighted sum. In the case of limited energy supply, the service duration is further considered in the optimization objective to meet the high survivability requirements. Reasonable methods are adopted to quantitatively evaluate different performances. Moreover, to improve SIPS survivability in the face of emergencies, a system-level energy allocation scheme with maneuverability enhancement is formulated to coordinate the power consumption of different functions. A particle swarm optimization algorithm with directional guidance and selective evaluation of the nonconvex constraint is proposed to solve the optimization problem effectively. Case studies on a typical SIPS under various working scenarios are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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