This paper analyzes the relative intensity noise (RIN) associated with intensity modulation (IM) of multilongitudinal mode semiconductor lasers. We considered two states of operation; namely, stable single-mode and multimode hopping that correspond to weak and strong asymmetric gain suppression. The former is typically considered by AlGaAs lasers, whereas the latter is considered by InGaAsP lasers. We introduce comparison of the influence of the modulation parameters on both the total and modal RIN between both lasers. We show that the IM response and 2HD display a peak at the relaxation frequency. The multimode hopping in the InGaAsP laser induces levels of signal distortion much higher than those in the AlGaAs laser in the regime of low modulation frequencies. Under weak modulation, the total and modal RINs of both the lasers vary little from those of the non-modulated lasers. The deep modulation releases the multimode hopping phenomenon in the InGaAsP laser and suppresses the mode-hopping peak in the RIN spectrum.
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