
Translation implies the transfer of speech to written text, while, revoicing is the replacement of the original voice through the use of multimodal or multimedia technology. Therefore, revoicing is an aspect of Audiovisual Translation that replaces the original speech which was translated in the target language to transfer the culture and language of the source language to an audience. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of revoicing especially in multimedia translation, application and limitations. There is also subtitling that leaves the original speech intact and adds a written translation on screen. The choice of translation procedure depends on a variety of factors. The researchers extracted some segments that served as their corpus for analysis. The researchers applied semiotic theory and comparative approach. The comparison assisted them in identifying some inadequacies in the revoicing and making observations and interpretations. At the end, the following findings were made: i) lips synchronisation became difficult in some instances as the length of sentences in two languages are not the same, ii) revoicing plays a vital role in culture and language preservation, hence an important tool in communication delivery. It was also identified that the two different languages (Hindi and Hausa) have different patterns and language structures.

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