All nano-technologies including “QCA” (Quantum-dot Cellular Automata) is widely used in today’s world to reduce the power dissipation, area and delay. “QCA” is a magnify technology with huge advantages such as: high-speed, high-density, faster-switching and higher clock-frequency which is rapidly used for Integrated-Circuit (“IC”) design. Quantum-dot Cellular Automata is an useful and appropriate alternative of the “CMOS-technology” because of its various advantages such as: it’s high-frequency, less power leakage and less required area. An “ALU” (arithmetic and logic unit) is applying for all types of arithmetic-logical performances and it widely used in digital circuits for all types of arithmetic and logical operations. The reversible-Logic an authentic solution in low-power and low-cost technology. This paper presents a latest 3-D or multilayer structure of ALU using reversible-computing and also non-reversible logic which gives a comparative outcome with low supply-power and delay. The complexity of the formation and the engrossed size of this model is low. ‘AND-Gate’, ‘OR-Gate’ ,‘XOR-Gate’ and the reversible ‘TSG-Gate’ and also the non-reversible model of “Full-Adder” are used to design the suggested model of this paper through the “QCA Designer” software (for simulation).This design reduce the size of the model up to 0.11 μm2 with three layers which is also compared to the formation in the “Xilinx” software.
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