
Pudendal motoneurons are activated in phasic bursts during the retching and expulsion phases of vomiting. The resulting contraction of the anal and urethral sphincters serves to maintain continence during the large increase in abdominal pressure that occurs during vomiting. We evaluated the contribution of bulbospinal expiratory neurons located in the portion of the ventral respiratory group (VRG) caudal to the obex (nucleus retroambigualis) to the control of pudendal motoneurons during fictive vomiting in decerebrate, paralyzed cats. Pudendal nerve discharge is abolished by cutting the axons of caudal VRG expiratory neurons as they cross the midline between the obex and C1 before descending in the spinal cord. All caudal VRG expiratory neurons that were antidromically activated from the sacral spinal cord, where the pudendal motor pool (nucleus of Onuf) is located, discharged strongly during the end of the expulsion phase of vomiting. However, only a small proportion of these neurons was active in phase with pudendal discharge during the retching phase. The apparent involvement of caudal VRG expiratory neurons in the control of pudendal motoneurons during vomiting is another example of the multifunctional role that can be played by respiratory-related neurons in the mammalian nervous system.

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