
The different types of multifunction microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMICs) that have been developed to date are reviewed, and projections for the future direction of the technology are made. Various innovative circuit design techniques have allowed a wide range of functions to be performed using the same processes as single-function MMICs. These circuits are almost exclusively based on GaAs Schottky-barrier-gate ion-implanted MESFETs, MIM capacitors, inductors, and (sometimes) through-substrate vias on GaAs substrates. Chips performing all the microwave functions of radar transmit/receive modules, receivers, and frequency synthesizers have been developed. Process complexity is a dominant factor determining their practicality and cost, and the most successful circuits have been designed with process limitations in mind. In the future, proliferation of multifunction MMICs with even greater functional complexity is expected, but additional process complexities will be added sparingly. >

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