
In the study of certain technological processes, students lack practice to a large extent therefore it is difficult to understand assimilation of a significant part of the educational material. As part of academic studies there is no opportunity to demonstrate the full technological cycle of construction and installation works. Multidimensional modelling tools, 4D models in particular, redound to demonstrate technological processes with high detail remotely from the construction site, 4D model tools allow to demonstrate how technological solutions can affect the duration of work and the quality of the realized objects. Similarly construction industry where the effect of the introduction of information technology is achieved as the reduction of term and cost of the project taking modern methods and tools in educational processes allow to improve the competence of students. The creation of detailed models with a developed work breakdown structure requires a significant amount of resources, including the time of work of highly qualified design engineers. This article discusses issues of labour costs reducing for the creation of multidimensional models due to applying the cluster system of model formation.

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