
Diversity has existed for a long time. Diversity is not a tool to cause conflict between humans. However, improper multicultural management can lead to conflict. Multicultural awareness is needed for humans with various differences, so that humans can live side by side and respect each other. This study is a normative qualitative through library research. The research is oriented towards discovering the conception of multicultural awareness as the Isyarah of Al-Qur'an. Primary data sources are taken from the Al-Qur'an and secondary data are taken from Tafsir books. This result shows that multicultural awareness in the Al-Qur’an perspective is essentially an attitude of glorifying humans regardless of background differences. A society that has multicultural awareness can be seen from the suitability of its attitude with characteristics and ethics. Multicultural awareness can build wasaṭiyyah attitude. With these characteristics, a person's multicultural awareness will be able to prevent radical-liberal behavior.

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