
We report here the composition-temperature phase diagram of a mixture between n=9 and n=16 terms of a chiral tolans series shortly noted nF(2)BTFO1M7. This diagram constitutes an experimental illustration of one of the three theoretical phase diagrams predicted by the Renn and Lubensky's model. The pure compounds n=9 and n=16 exhibit, respectively, the phase sequences Cry-Sm-C*-Sm-A-TGB(A)-N*-BP-I and Cry-Sm-C*-N*-BP-I, where TGB refers to a twist grain boundary phase. Phases identification and transition temperatures, at atmospheric pressure, have been determined by both optical microscopy and photothermal methods. The experimental phase diagram shows the disappearance of Sm-A and TGB(A) mesophases and the appearance of a TGB(C) phase when the n=16 composition increases. Four of the five multicritical points theoretically anticipated by Renn and Lubensky are pointed out.

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