
A Tactical Integration System (TIS) in the Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) is a system that serves to carry out the mission of surveillances, detection, positioning, and identify the objects in the ocean with video streaming. At current computing of video was done sequentially which involves many matrix operations with command repetition (looping) such as: sequential for, assuming that the processor used is one processor. Meanwhile, a multicore computer systems is already in a personal environment. Example: Intel Core 2 Duo (2 cores), i7 (8 core), Haswell. To maximize the performance of computer systems, Intel TBB (Threading Building Blocks) must be used in multicore computing / programming. In this study, has designed and implemented a software for parallel video streaming using Intel TBB framework Programs written in C + + on MS Visual Studio 2010 and run on computers based on Intel Core 2 Duo on MS Windows 7 operating system. System testing is performed sequential and parallel on avi video with compression quality factor (Q = 1, 5, 10). By the Amdahl's law limitation, the average encoder speedup for quality factor Q = 1 is 1.2665, for Q = 5 is 1.2911, and for Q = 10 is 1.3015. Whereas the average decoder speedup for quality factor Q = 1 is 1.3023, for Q = 5 is 1.3558, and for Q = 10 is 1.3776.

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