
Abstract We propose a model of multi-component dark matter with magnetic moments to explain the 130 GeV gamma-ray line hinted by the Fermi-LAT data. Specifically, we consider a U (1) X dark sector which contains two vector-like fermions besides the related gauge and Higgs fields. A very heavy messenger scalar is further introduced to construct the Yukawa couplings of the dark fermions to the heavy [ SU (2)]-singlet leptons in the SU (3) c × SU (2) L × SU (2) R × U (1) B−L left–right symmetric models for universal seesaw. A heavier dark fermion with a very long lifetime can mostly decay into a lighter dark fermion and a photon at one-loop level. The dark fermions can serve as the dark matter particles benefited from their annihilations into the dark gauge and Higgs fields. In the presence of a U (1) kinetic mixing, the dark matter fermions can be verified by the ongoing and forthcoming dark matter direct detection experiments.

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