
One of the key applications for foldable flex is to enable the use of 3-D (3Dimensional) MCMs (Multi-Chip Modules). This embodiment of a 3-D electronic package (E-package) represents the ultimate in packing density and it should be used whenever it benefits the application. The use of any MCM, however, brings up the issue of SoC (System-on-a-Chip) versus SiP (System-ina-Package). By its very nature, an MCM implies that the entire system is not on a single chip. Is eliminating all instances of an MCM what the SoC advocates mean when they so cavalierly bandy about the SoC acronym or can many SoCs exist on an MCM? Is the latter what the E-packaging community calls an SiP or is an SiP a more numerous collection of sub-SoCs (i.e., chips that are not SoCs) and/or SoCs on many single chip modules (SCMs) or one or more MCMs? These questions are very confusing and these questions are what will be explored in this chapter.

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