
The influence of the Pauli exclusion principle on the relative motion of light neutron-rich nuclei in their collision is investigated within the microscopicmethod using as an example 11Be + n and 10Be + 2 n nuclear reactions, as well as 3 n + n and 2 n + 2 n reactions. Antisymmetrization effects related to the kinetic and potential energy of the relative motion of colliding nuclei are analyzed. The influence of the Pauli exclusion principle on the kinetic energy of the relative motion of the 11Be nucleus and a neutron is shown to result in their attraction. The same phenomenon is observed for the case of the 3 n + n cluster system. The strength of such attraction is high enough to ensure the existence of a bound state in the 12Be nucleus and a low-energy resonance in the tetraneutron. The conclusion is drawn that, for a resonance state in the 4 n system to exist, the value of the oscillator length must be large enough. It is shown also that increasing the oscillator length results in depression of the cluster-cluster potential.

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