
Three-dimensional (3D) human-like body reconstruction via a single RGB image has attracted significant research attention recently. Most of the existing methods rely on the Skinned Multi-Person Linear model and thus can only predict unified human bodies. Moreover, meshes reconstructed by current methods sometimes perform well from a canonical view but not from other views, as the reconstruction process is commonly supervised by only a single view. To address these limitations, this article proposes a multi-view shape generation network for a 3D human-like body. Particularly, we propose a coarse-to-fine learning model that gradually deforms a template body toward the ground truth body. Our model utilizes the information of multi-view renderings and corresponding 3D vertex transformation as supervision. Such supervision will help to generate 3D bodies well aligned to all views. To accurately operate mesh deformation, a graph convolutional network structure is introduced to support the shape generation from 3D vertex representation. Additionally, a graph up-pooling operation is designed over the intermediate representations of the graph convolutional network, and thus our model can generate 3D shapes with higher resolution. Novel loss functions are employed to help optimize the whole multi-view generation model, resulting in smoother surfaces. In addition, two multi-view human body datasets are produced and contributed to the community. Extensive experiments conducted on the benchmark datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our model over the competitors.

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