
The urgency of responding to climate change for corals necessitates the exploration of innovative methods to swiftly enhance our understanding of crucial processes. In this study, we employ an integrated chemical omics approach, combining elementomics, metabolomics, and volatilomics methodologies to unravel the biochemical pathways associated with the thermal response of the coral symbiont, Symbiodiniaceae Durusdinium trenchii. We outline the complimentary sampling approaches and discuss the standardised data corrections used to allow data integration and comparability. Our findings highlight the efficacy of individual methods in discerning differences in the biochemical response of D. trenchii under both control and stress-inducing temperatures. However, a deeper insight emerges when these methods are integrated, offering a more comprehensive understanding, particularly regarding oxidative stress pathways. Employing correlation network analysis enhanced the interpretation of volatile data, shedding light on the potential metabolic origins of volatiles with undescribed functions and presenting promising candidates for further exploration. Elementomics proves to be less straightforward to integrate, likely due to no net change in elements but rather elements being repurposed across compounds. The independent and integrated data from this study informs future omic profiling studies and recommends candidates for targeted research beyond Symbiodiniaceae biology. This study highlights the pivotal role of omic integration in advancing our knowledge, addressing critical gaps, and guiding future research directions in the context of climate change and coral reef preservation.

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