
The purpose of this study is to analyze al-Aqkirmâni’s (d. 1760) conception of science within the framework of his book Ta’rifâtu’l-funun wa menâkibu’l-musannifin. al-Aqkirmâni, a prominent 18th-century Ottoman scholar and qadi , wrote a number of books covering fields such as logic, philosophy, theology, hadith, and language. His most famous work which represents his philosophical and scientific view is Iklilu’tTerâcim. It has been observed that al-Aqkirmâni verified and maintained the scientific mentality of “taksimu’l-ulum” in the classical Islamic intellectual tradition with his Ta’rifâtul-funun wa menâkibu’l-musannifin. The main source for al-Aqkirmâni’s book was Taskoprizâde’s Miftâhu’s-sa’âde wa misbâhu’s-siyâde fi mevzuati’l-ulum. al-Aqkirmâni provides information about a number of scientific books and their authors, as well as descriptions, concepts, and problems of various sciences. His method of systematic analysis begins with the linguistic sciences and continues with logic, hadith, tafsir, fiqh, and kalâm. He divides philosophy into theoretical and practical spheres (alhikma nazariyya and al-hikma amaliyya), followed by an examination of theoretical sciences, including metaphysics, physics, and mathematics, followed by practical sciences, including ethics, economics, and politics. The Ta’rifâtu’l-funun is a noteworth contribution to the the continuity of Ottoman intelectual and scientific tradition in the 18th century

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