Mueller-Regge analysis of inclusive spectra in the central region for fixed p⊥ is carried out from 12 GeV/ c to ISR energies. An analysis of the difference between π + and π − single- particle spectra reveals that both Mueller-Regge energy dependence and factorization are in accord with experiments only in a limited region of moderate value of p▭, i.e. p▭ ⪆ 0.7 GeV/c . This suggests that double Regge exchange is a good approximation only for 0; t∥ and ∥ u∥ ≳ 4 GeV 2. The K/ π ratio calculated on the basis of an additive quark-counting picture is also consistent with experiments inside this region. The Pϱ central vertex determined from ISR data turns out to be much smaller than one would obtain from low energy (12–24 GeV/ c) data. The P-M-P exchange contribution to ππ correlations in rapidity thus estimated can explain only a part of observed correlations, which indicates that there should be a large positive contribution from some other effects, such as long range effects and/or Q exchange. The transverse momentum dependence of the Pϱ central vertex also determined from ISR data predicts that the P-ϱ-P exchange contribution to normalized ππ correlations increases as p 1▭ and p 2▭ increase.
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