
A 2D conductivity model of the Kristineberg area in the Skellefte Ore District, Northern Sweden, has been derived from new magnetotelluric measurements. This complements an intensive geophysical and geological study of the area, including reflection seismics, gravity and aeromagnetic data modeling as well as geological field observations. In a pilot study, 20 broadband MT stations were installed in May 2007 along a 20 km long north–south profile. Dimensionality analysis shows that a 2D interpretation of the data is justified, although the presumed geoelectric strike direction of N75°E is not consistent over the whole profile. The new conductivity model of the upper crust agrees well with the results from the seismic studies. Interpreting both independent data sets confirms the major features from the previous model, such as the thickness of the Revsund granites in the south, the existence of a structural basement with metasedimentary origin, and gives new insight into the nature of the volcanic rocks and their possible mineral content.

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