
The Monks João Maria D' Agostini and João Maria de Jesus were characters in the history of the cabocla resistance in the South of the country, at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite being the strongest presence in the Contestado Movement, their doctrine, however, was widely diffused and over signified several times according to the historical and social context. This is what occurs in the Bearded Monks Movement in the 1930 decade in Coloninha, Soledade region, Rio Grande do Sul, where a group of caboclos used Monk João Maria's doctrine and "authority" to provide identity and to produce resistance. We discuss the context in which this Movement happened, its progress and, above all, how this social group built identification processes with Monk João Maria's doctrine, rescuing, even after more than two decades of the Contestado Movement, the Holy Monk's figure and doctrine in organizing a social and religious movement.


  • The Monks João Maria D’ Agostini and João Maria de Jesus were characters in the history of the cabocla resistance in the South of the country, at the beginning of the 20th century

  • Despite being the strongest presence in the Contestado Movement, their doctrine, was widely diffused and RYHU VLJQL¿HG VHYHUDO WLPHV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH KLVWRULFDO DQG VRFLDO FRQWH[W This is what occurs in the Bearded Monks Movement in the 1930 decade in Coloninha, Soledade region, Rio Grande do Sul, where a group of caboclos used Monk João Maria’s doctrine and “authority” to provide identity and to produce resistance

  • We discuss the context in which this Movement happened, LWVSURJUHVVDQGDERYHDOOKRZWKLVVRFLDOJURXSEXLOWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQSURFHVVHV with Monk João Maria’s doctrine, rescuing, even after more than two decades of WKH&RQWHVWDGR0RYHPHQWWKH+RO\0RQN¶V¿JXUHDQGGRFWULQHLQRUJDQL]LQJ a social and religious movement

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Henrique Aniceto Kujawa*

Resumo: Os Monges João Maria D’Agostini e João Maria de Jesus foram personagens na história da resistência cabocla no sul do país, no início do século XX. Apesar de serem presença mais forte no Movimento do Contestado, a GRXWULQDGHOHVFRQWXGRIRLDPSODPHQWHGLIXQGLGDHYiULDVYH]HVUHVVLJQL¿FDGD de acordo com o contexto histórico e social. É isso que ocorre no Movimento dos Monges Barbudos na década de 1930 em Coloninha, região de Soledade, Rio Grande do Sul, onde um grupo de caboclos se utiliza da doutrina e da “autoridade” do Monge João Maria para constituir identidade e produzir resistência. Abordamos o contexto em que este movimento aconteceu, o seu desenrolar e, principalmente, a forma como este grupo social construiu SURFHVVRVGHLGHQWL¿FDomRFRPDGRXWULQDGR0RQJH-RmR0DULDUHVJDWDQGR mesmo depois de mais de duas décadas do movimento do Contestado, a Figura e a doutrina do Santo Monge na organização de um movimento de caráter social e religioso. Revista Esboços, Florianópolis, v. 19, n. 28, p. 151-168, dez. 2012

Ao que tudo indica
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