
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to investigate motor gasoline's vibration bands in the mid-infrared region under exposure up to 2 hr to 150 mT uniform magnetic field. No change in symmetric and asymmetric stretching of methyl and methylene vibrations was observed up to 2 hr exposure. In contrast, the band around 1465 cm−1, assigned to methylene scissoring vibration, was observed to decrease significantly after 1 and 2 hr of exposure, showing that static magnetic field changes methylene bending vibration in gasoline's hydrocarbons. Furthermore, methyl symmetrical deformation band at 1378 cm−1 and C–C vibrations at 1610 and 1522 cm−1 decreased in intensity after exposure. These results lead to the conclusion that exposure to a low-intensity uniform magnetic field can change the structure of motor gasoline, thereby declustering hydrocarbon molecules and improving the combustion process.

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