
Garnets are observed as phenocrysts in blocky rhyolites of Cumaovası Volcanites and are reddish-blackish in color, show vitreous luster, and have dodecahedron forms varying between 0.5 and 2.0 cm in size. In optical microscope investigations, they exhibit fractured structures and contain quartz, hematite, chlorite, and acicular rutile inclusions. Garnet phenocrysts are highly consistent with spessartine-type garnet end members in the Raman spectrum. This result is supported by the mineral chemistry results determined as spessartine (Sps)0.50–0.52 almandine (Alm)0.47–0.48 grossular (Grs)0.01–0.02. In the chondrite, primitive mantle, and Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt normalized multi element variation diagrams, garnet phenocrysts show enrichment in all elements (except Sr, K, P, and Ti). In contrast, in the upper continental crust normalized multi element variation diagram, garnet phenocrysts show depletion in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, K, and Sr) relative to high field strength elements. They exhibit slight enrichment in light rare earth elements ((La/Sm)N = 0.11–1.07) relative to heavy rare earth elements ((Sm/Yb)N=0.78–0.97). Furthermore, garnet phenocrysts have significant negative europium (Eu) ((Eu/Eu*)N = 0.01–0.02) and mildly positive cerium ((Ce/Ce*)N = 2.43–13.77) anomalies indicating hot and reduced magma conditions. The Y/Ho ratios have ranged from 18.9 to 20.3 and are close to the chondrite value. The zircon saturation temperatures (TZr) of the garnet’s host rock was determined to be 756 °C. As a result of mineralogical, geochemical and gemological studies, it was concluded that Görece garnet phenocrysts have glassy luster and semi-transparent dodecahedral crystal shapes, so they can be classified as semi-precious gemstones. In addition, the rare earth element content of the garnet phenocrysts is similar to that of industrial garnet sands and it is thought that they may have potential.

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