
Alalia is a speech disorder that develops due to organic brain damage in children with normal hearing and intelligence during the first three year of life. Systemic speech underdevelopment in alalia is characterized by violations in the phonetic, phonemic, lexical, and grammatical structure. Patients with alalia can also have non-speech related impairments, including motor (impaired movement and coordination), sensory (impaired sensitivity and perception), and psychopathological disorders. There are three types of alalia: motor, sensory, and mixed. Children with motor alalia have expressive language disorders, speech praxis, poor speech fluency, impaired articulation, and other focal neurological symptoms; however, they understand speech directed to them. Patients with motor alalia are often left-handed. Regional slowing and epileptiform activity are often detected on their electroencephalogram. Children with sensory alalia are characterized by poor speech understanding (despite normal hearing) resulting in secondary underdevelopment of their own speech. These patients have problems with the analysis of sounds, including speech sounds (impaired speech gnosis), which prevents the development of association between the sound image and the object. Therefore, the child hears, but does not understand the speech directed at him/her (auditory agnosia). Differential diagnosis of alalia is challenging and may require several months of observation. It also implies the exclusion of hearing loss and mental disorders.


  • Alalia is a speech disorder that develops due to organic brain damage in children with normal hearing and intelligence during the first three year of life

  • Systemic speech underdevelopment in alalia is characterized by violations in the phonetic, phonemic, lexical, and grammatical structure

  • Children with sensory alalia are characterized by poor speech understanding resulting in secondary underdevelopment of their own speech

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Алалия (дисфазия) – отсутствие или недоразвитие речи при нормальном физиологическом слухе и интеллекте, возникшее вследствие органического поражения речевых зон коры головного мозга во внутриутробном или раннем периоде развития ребенка. Для нормально слышащего ребенка или ребенка с тугоухостью имеет значение громкость звука, а при СА восприятие зависит от темпа подачи звуковых раздражителей (интервалов между ними), качества звуков (чистые тоны, шумы или звуки речи), эмоциональной подачи и, наконец, ситуации, в которой ребенок находится. В целом речь ребенка с СА может быть охарактеризована как повышенная речевая активность на фоне пониженного внимания к речи окружающих и отсутствия контроля за своей речью. Грубо искаженная речь не может стать для ребенка средством общения, в результате развиваются нарушения личности: разнообразные трудности в поведении, особенности эмоционально-волевой сферы, вторичная задержка психического развития, нередко выявляются аутистические проявления. Differential diagnosis of motor alalia and speech disorders associated with hearing impairment

Экспрессивная речь Expressive speech
Темповая задержка речевого развития Temporal delay of speech development
Причина патологии Cause of pathology
Динамика развития речи Dynamics of speech improvement
Понимание речи Speech understanding
Крайне низкий темп при направленном формировании речи
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