
This study identified the motives and factors which affect women starting business activities. The analysis was based on the results of an internet poll conducted in December 2018 among 110 female entrepreneurs conducting individual business activity in towns of various sizes. Different types of services dominated among the businesses conducted by women (78%), whereas trade activities were conducted by 17% of women and production-oriented businesses were conducted by only 5%. A large portion of females (20%) conducted activities combining two or three industry branches. According to the study, women started their business activity for personal reasons rather than out of necessity. Their decisions were motivated mainly by the need to have an opportunity for professional self-development, self-fulfilment and independence. The main problems when starting and running their businesses were difficulties in acquiring external funds, excessive non-salary labour costs and a limited availability of crèches and kindergartens. Despite various barriers and obstacles in running their businesses, over 90% of females in the poll forecast a development in their activities or expansion to new markets by investing in technology, self-development, personnel training or by expanding their product range. The share of women planning to develop their businesses is increasing with growing experience and the length of time a business is run.

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