
An approach to improve municipal company’s motivation system to impower its economic security is proposed in the article. The approach is based both on division of motivative factors into three groups (tangible, intangible and intrinsic) and on reveal of correlation between the importance of an exact group of motivative factors (dependable feature) and such individual-psychological characteristics of employee’s personality, as the level of extra / introversion and neuroticism (undependable features).
 The importance to improve the performance of the municipal company’s motivation system because of the number and origin of threats it faces in the process of its activity is substantiated. It is shown that the unsatisfactory level of efficiency of activity of state-owned enterprises, their economic security, as a consequence, - waste of resources of the territorial community is explained, in particular, by the low level of motivation of work in such organizations.
 It was found that, despite close attention to the problem of motivation in the scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers, the tools of effective management were mostly developed for the private sector. Improving management in budgetary institutions is by borrowing methods and techniques from private sector.
 It is shown that for a municipal company an effective system of motivation must be built taking into account such factors that employees perceive as really important in the process of meeting their sound needs, taking into account the limited budget.
 Applied tools for monitoring motivative factors, division them into groups (tangible, intangible, intrinsic), forming a list of the most meaningful factors using ABC-XYZ analyze are proposed. Due to the results of the analyze the structure of the most and the least meaningful factors of motivation for the organizational behavior of employees is descried.
 Regression models which allow to forecast the importance of an exact group of motivative factors related to the employee’s level of extra / introversion and neuroticism have been formed.
 The prospect of introducing a model of motivational controlling, which will allow to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the system of motivation by increasing the level of coordination of planning, accounting and analysis processes in order to ensure the economic security of the municipal company.


  • Motivation system is a set of activities directed to increase the interest of employees in the results of their own activities

  • A well-developed motivation system is an important part of the system of human resources management, that includes tangible and intangible factors the share of which for domestic companies is 70% and 30% respectively

  • Implementation of the efficient personnel motivation system involves the usage of behavioral marketing tools, which is a system of orientation of staff’s work to achievement of organization’s aims, connected with functioning and developing

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An important task of the local self-government is to provide comfortable living conditions for the residents of the city, rational use of communal property of the community. Domestic municipal companies face a number of threats connected with their activity and economic safety. In such conditions an important task for such companies is to substantiate their stable activity, and to chive high rates of the efficiency of activity due to their economic safety. In a broad sense economic safety is both protection of company’s activity against the negative impact of external environment and its ability to eliminate quickly various threats or adopt its activity to current conditions; it should not reflect negatively on company’s activity [2]

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