
"The article discusses some aspects of the motivation of the terms in the field of IT in medicine on the basis of the Russian language. Definitions of the concepts «term», «abbreviation», «acronym» are given, motivated and unmotivated types of terms are distinguished. The specifics of the motivation of terms is revealed, which manifests itself in the disclosure of the semantic relationships of the meaning and structure of the terminological unit. In the course of the study, there is a tendency to combine different types of motivation within the same sphere, models of term abbreviations are presented, as well as acronyms and abbreviations in English used in international nomenclature. The article also presents an analysis of Russian acronyms and abbreviations in the terminological system under study, highlights thematic categories according to the name of organizations, equipment, medical history, treatment methods, names of information databases. In the context of the issues under consideration, groups of information systems are given in terms of content (territorial, problem-oriented). The authors came to the conclusion that the use of the abbreviation method in term formation indicates the flexibility of the language and its ability to adapt to the changing conditions of modernity, which is an important argument for the functioning of the law of economy of language means. In addition, it was noted that, depending on the field of application, various extralinguistic factors influence the formation of the studied terminological system."

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