
Abstract. Since becoming a "pop culture" for the millennial generation in sharing information and knowledge, social media has been able to open opportunities for culinary industry players, especially restaurant owners and food bloggers, to collaborate using social media to achieve mutually beneficial goals. Food bloggers uniquely connect restaurants and consumers through culinary product reviews, categorised as knowledge sharing. However, the difference in the motivation behind the knowledge sharing process raises questions about the practice of knowledge sharing that is carried out because of monetary motivation and non-monetary motivation. Following that question, this study aims to understand the motivation behind knowledge sharing activity and sustainability carried out by food bloggers as knowledge contributors. Using the phenomenological approach and method, this research was conducted by arranging interviews with notable food blog account owners on Instagram to explore their experiences as a food blogger. The phenomenological analysis is used to reveal the essence of their experience related to motivation to become a food blogger that encourages them to share their knowledge on social media. The study conducted found that the shift from non-professionals to non-professional food bloggers was due to the trend of reviewing food and requests for cooperation from other Instagram users. On the go, no food blogger has purely monetary or non-monetary motivations. Both motivations emerge and have their respective impacts. Monetary motivation allows food bloggers to experience knowledge-sharing process and behaviour adjustments due to cooperation with restaurant owners. In contrast, non-monetary motivation enables food bloggers to carry out knowledge sharing processes and behaviours independently. Keywords: Knowledge sharing quality, monetary motivation, non-monetary motivation, food blogger, social media

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