
The purpose of the study was to identify differences in the level of general professional satisfaction and motivational preferences of the managers and ordinary personnel of tuberculosis institutions.
 Materials and methods. An anonymous sociological survey of 75 employees of medical institutions of phthisiatric profile using the developed questionnaire was conducted. The level of satisfaction with occupational activity and motivational attitudes of medical workers was studied, and recommendations for improving the complex system of motivation of medical personnel were developed.
 Results. Managers are more likely to be dissatisfied with the key incentives compared to doctors. The priorities for doctors are loyalty to occupational duty, financial well-being and stability, for managers — self-realization, professional growth and social status. For doctors, the main motives are material, managers believe labour efficiency to increase due to developing a system of individual incentive payments and maintaining interpersonal relationships in the team. Conflict situations with a manager occur due to the imposition of additional responsibilities according to ordinary employees, to the managers’ opinion — their failure. The degree of employee satisfaction with work can be characterized as high, which is confirmed by the desire of a large number of employees to continue working in their previous position.
 Limitations: truthfulness, hasty and rash answers, distortion of results due to socio-psychological influence, small number of respondents, belonging to a narrow sphere of activity.
 Conclusion. When developing a motivation system for employees of anti-tuberculosis institutions, it is necessary to agree on satisfaction with working conditions of all occupational categories, improve incentive methods while maintaining existing favourable factors, create an individual incentive system based on investments in human resources, manage the motivational environment taking into account group affiliation, individual characteristics, preferences and personal qualities of employees, as well as assessment of employee satisfaction with innovations through regular questionnaires, sociological surveys

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