
Spermatozoa motility of local chicken in coconut water, physiological nacl and physiological nacl-coconut water at 25-29°c)ABSTRACT. This study aimed to determine the effect of coconut water diluent, physiological NaCl and combination of coconut water-physiological NaCl to the survival of chicken spermatozoa at room temperature (25-29°C). Semen was collected from a local chicken of 1.5 years old with weight of 2 kg in massage twice a week. Once evaluated, a good quality semen was divided into 3 treatment groups: coconut water (P1), physiological saline (P2), and its combination (P3) with the addition of 20% egg yolk [(P1) 80:0:20 (P2) 0:80:20 and (P3) 40:40:20] and stored at room temperature. Evaluation of spermatozoa motility conducted every 1 hour until reaching 40% of spermatozoa motility. Data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with design patterns Split-plot and if there are differences between treatments tested by Duncan's multiple test. The results showed that motility of spermatozoa is significantly different (p 0.05) between storage time and diluent and there are interactions between storage time and diluent. P2 is able to maintain the minimum percentage of inseminated sperm motility (40%) for 4 hours, followed by P3 for 1 hour, and the lowest percentage motility of spermatozoa present in P1 for 0 hours. It can be concluded that the percentage of spermatozoa motility in group P2 is higher than P1 and P3.


  • This study aimed to determine the effect of coconut water diluent, physiological NaCl and combination of coconut water-physiological NaCl to the survival of chicken spermatozoa at room temperature (25-29°C)

  • Evaluation of spermatozoa motility conducted every 1 hour until reaching 40% of spermatozoa motility

  • The results showed that motility of spermatozoa is significantly different (p

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Penelitian ini menggunakan semen segar dari satu ekor ayam kampung berumur 1,5 tahun dengan bobot badan 2 kg. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola split-plot yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan pengencer dengan 5 kali ulangan. 20 % Kuning telur Koleksi semen dilakukan 2 kali dalam seminggu pukul 08.00-09.00 WIB dengan metode masase. Koleksi ini dilakukan oleh dua orang, ayam dipegang pada pangkal paha dan sebagian sayapnya ditahan agar tidak dikibaskan. Pengurutan diulang beberapa kali sampai ayam ereksi yang ditandai dengan peregangan tubuh ayam dan papillae mencuat dari proktodeum kloaka. Semen yang keluar segera ditampung dengan menggunakan tabung reaksi (Metode Burrows dan Quinn (1937) yang dimodifikasi oleh Suprijatna dkk., 2005). Semen yang mempunyai konsentrasi spermatozoa > 600 x 106/ml, motilitas progresif > 70 %, persentase spermatozoa hidup >75 % dan abnormalitas

Konsentrasi semen yang diinginkan
Hasil Pengamatan
Metabolisme bertujuan untuk menghasilkan
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