
The check-list of mosses of the northern part of the Russian Far East includes 730 species and 13 additional infraspecific taxa with references on their distribution in eleven floristic regions within Chukotka Autonomous district, Kamchatsky Territory, Magadan Province and northern part of Khabarovsk Territory. Number of taxa, reported from regions is following: Wrangel Island – 286, Chukotka, western part –267, Chukotka, continental part – 272, Chukotka, southern part – 384, Chukotka, Beringian part – 434, Magadan Region – 435, Koryakia, northern part – 178, Khabarovsk Territory, northern part – 219, Koryakia, southern part – 152, Kamchatka – 572, Commander Islands – 336. List of species is accompanied with brief treatment of the area and history of its bryoflora exploration. Comments on species, which regional records are considered as doubtful or erroneous are provided along with lists of 45 taxa excluded from flora of whole area and synonyms widely used in recent literature.

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