
Ther comparison of anatomical parameters of the thigh circle with their subsequent modeling on 130 students of Bukovina (the primary study was exemination out during September- October 2021, and the reexemination of the same students in September- October 2022). All of the studied were divided into the main group, which was made by students who visited the football section – 46 (35.4 %) and students who visited the volleyball section – 44 (33.8 %), the control group is 40 (30.8 %) who were not in sports. All students conducted anthropometric research, according to the method of P. P. Shaparenko (thigh circumference in the upper third, in the middle third and in the lower third). According to the comparison of the thighs on the right and left in the studied boys and girls who visited the sections in football and volleyball in the upper and lower third of the thigh larger on the right, but only in the middle third larger on the left, students who were not in sports were not done Girls are larger on the left than the right. It was established that when comparing between the fi rst and second measurements, the parameters of the thigh circumference at the second measurement was higher in students who visited football sections (±3.43 cm) than students who visited volleyball sections (±1.9 cm).So, the model for predicting the circumference of the thigh in the upper third on the right: Cpr=β1+β2+0.493W-0.135H, where Cpr – thigh circle in the upper third (on the right), W – body weight, H – height, β1=(49.735 for girls and 44,489 for boys), β2=(–1.391 for the football group; –1.277 for volleyball group), left: Cpl=β1+β2+0.465W, where Cpl is the thigh circle in the upper third (left). β1=(25.736 for young girls and 20.147 for young boys), β2=(–1.333 for the football group; –1.487 for volleyball group). Model for predicting a thigh circumference in the middle on the right: Cmr=β1+β2+0.460W-0.183H, where Cmr is the thigh in the middle on the right, β1=(52.567 for young girls and 48.930 for young boys), β2=(–2.235 for the football group; –0.296 for volleyball group); left: Cml=β1+β2+0.449W, where Cml is the thigh in the middle on the left, β1=(20.716 for young girls and 20.943 for young boys), β2=(–0.254 for the football group; –0.770 for volleyball group). Model for the prediction of the thigh in the lower third on the right: Cdr=β1+β2+0.418W, where Cdr – thigh circumference in the lower third on the right, β1=(25.560 for young girls and 20.165 for young boys), β2=(–0.039 for the football group; –0.502 for volleyball group); left: Cdl=β1+β2+0.387W, where Cdl is the thigh in the lower third on the left, β1=(24.638 for young girls and 18.523 for young boys), β2=(– 0.379 for the football group; –0.323 for volleyball group).

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