The timing system of weakly electric fishes is vital for many behavioral processes, but the system has been relatively unexplored in Apteronotus albifrons. This paper describes the receptive fields of phase-locked neurons in the midbrain of A. albifrons, in combination with neuroanatomy and electron microscopy (EM) to delineate a phase-locked area in this fish, the magnocellular mesencephalic nucleus (MMN). The MMN was isolated electrophysiologically through the detection of phase-locked field potentials of high amplitude. Single-cell recordings were made with a sharp electrode while a phase-locked modulated stimulus was provided to the fish. Receptive field centers of phase-locked neurons in MMN were consistent with tuberous electroreceptor density maps from previous studies, but no receptive field centers were found in the posterior 50% of the body. Intracellular and extracellular labeling of MMN revealed three cell populations: giant cells with large somata (19-24µm) and their axonal arborizations which span across the entire extent of MMN, axon terminals from spherical cells of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), and small cell somata (3-7µm) along with their projections which extend outside the nucleus. EM revealed multiple gap junction and chemical synapses within MMN. Our results indicate that MMN is a dedicated temporal processing center in A. albifrons.
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