
Palimpsests are large, circular, low-relief impact scars on Ganymede and Callisto. These structures were poorly understood based on Voyager-era analysis, but high-resolution Galileo images allow more detailed inspection. We analyze images of four Ganymedean palimpsests targeted by Galileo: Memphis and Buto Faculae, Epigeus, and Zakar. Ganymedean craters and Europan ring structures are used as tools to help better understand palimpsests, based on morphologic similarities. From analysis of Galileo images, palimpsests consist of four surface units: central plains, an unoriented massif facies, a concentric massif facies, and outer deposits. Using as a tie point the location in these structures where secondary craters begin to appear, outer deposits of palimpsests are analogous to the outer ejecta facies of craters; the concentric massif facies of palimpsests are analogous to the pedestal facies of craters; and the unoriented massif facies and central plains are analogous to crater interiors. These analogies are supported by the presence of buried preexisting structure beneath the outer two and absence of buried structure beneath the inner two units. Our observations indicate that palimpsest deposits represent fluidized impact ejecta, rather than cryovolcanic deposits or ancient crater interiors.

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