
Morphological and structural features of flowers of Trichilia catigua A. Juss., T. elegans A. Juss. and T. pallida Sw. (Meliaceae) are presented here with the purpose to stimulate future reproductive and preservation studies of these brazilian native species. Anthesis occurred from April to August in T. catigua, January to May in T. pallida and September to January in T. elegans. Sepals and petals presented a papillose and pilose epidermis and a parenchymatous mesophyll. Male flowers presented pistillodes with abortive ovules and a staminal tube with tetrasporangiate anthers. Anther wall had a papilose epidermis, a fibrous endothecium, two middle layers and a secretory tapetum. Female flowers presented antherodes and bi - or tricarpellate syncarpous pistils. Ovary had a simple structure with anatropous, bitegmic ovules. Style was hollow or solid and the stigma was constituted by uni - or bicelullar trichomes. Strictly dioecious specimens were not found in the study area.

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