
The Skeleton of a giant sumo wrestler, the late Mr. B. Dewagatake (1901-1950), who suffered from gigantism (205cm in maximum stature) with adenoma of the anterior lobe of pituitary gland, was craniologically and osteologically examined.Despite the normal endocranial capacity of 1550ml, the calvaria, as a whole, is extremely large in size, especially in sagittal and transversal directions, but it remains almost normal in vertical (Fig. 1).Bones of the skull vault are considerably thick and porous, especially on the occipital bone. The frontal sinus is enlarged nearly to the whole extent of the frontal bone. Attachments of the masticatory muscles, such as temporalis and pterigoids are strikingly developed.The facial skeleton, as a whole, is also overgrown, markedly in three directions of the skull, especially in vertical. The details of the overgrowth of the whole skull should be referred to the Tables 1, 2, 5 in the text. There is some difference in growth between upper and lowere jaws. The breadth of the dental arcade of the lower jaw is wider than that of the upper. The resulting malocculusion of the left half of the jaws and successively followed imbalance of the masticatory forces between right and left sides bring about morphological asymmetry of the related cranial parts, such as ascending rami of the mandible, temporal, infratemporal, pterigoid and mandibular fossae of the calvaria.The limbs are relatively long, while the trunk is relatively short and very thick (Figs. 2, 5). Most of the postcranial bones look very stout not only by their absolute sizes but by the relative thicknesses. The long bones are generally straight and round in cross-section (Figs. 6, 9). The compact walls of the bones are thin in spite of their large sizes (Table 3), but the muscle markings are well developed.The limb bones are some 25-50% longer than average, varying between bones (Fig. 2). That is, the lower limb bones are extremely long, while the upper limb bones are moderately long, and the limb bones are more elongated in the distal segments than in the proximal ones. The relative thickness (robusticity index) of the long bones also varies by portion to portion (Fig. 3). That is, the diaphyses are relatively very thick in the upper limb bones, and also somewhat thick in the lower limb bones. On the contrary, the epiphyses are relatively a little thicker in the upper limb bones, but relatively thinner in the lower limb bones. Other features of the overgrowth of the postcranial bones should be referred to the Tables 4, 6-9.Peculiar bilateral asymmetry and imbalance are seen in the upper limb bones (Figs. 7, 8). Beside the above mentioned general changes in size and shape caused by gigantism, the following were recognized as main pathological changes : osteoporosis, kyphosis and arthrosis def orinans in several joints (Fig. 4).Detailed measurements and photographs of the bones are shown in the following material report : Morphological Data on the Skeleton of a Giant Sumo Wrestler, the Late Mr. Dewagatake, (SUZUKI et al. 1986).

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