
The present article deals with the phenomenon of the formation and functioning of the morphological dominant of degrees of comparison in poetry. It is noted that the language of poetry has several means to actualize the grammatical meanings and linguistic potential of certain language units. “Morphological selection” and “morphological condensation” of morphologically identical language units are some of these means, which contribute to the formation of the “morphological dominant” of a poetic work or its fragment. The conducted analysis of the peculiarities of the poetic realization of the forms of degrees of comparison allows us to identify some general patterns of the morphological dominants functioning in the poetic text and to trace the level of participation of the system of degrees of comparison of the adjective in the formation of the expressiveness of this morphological category, which forms the dominant of the degrees of comparison within the lyric text. Based on the analysis of some theoretical sources and poetic material, it is indicated that the basic form of the adjective has a wide range of expressive and expressive properties, which is associated with the realization of the aesthetic function of the analyzed part of the speech. Such lexical units and their forms in degrees of comparison can perform the function of expressive centers and actively interact with other linguistic levels within the language and artistic structure of the poetic text. The article claims that the formation of the “morphological dominant” is based on the active processes of the author’s “selection” of morphologically identical units and the “concentration” of such units within a specific poetic text. The conducted analysis of poetic fragments shows that the morphological dominant can be an essential and integral part of the compositional structure of the lyrical work and allows to convey the poetical meanings, to form the expressive centers of a lyrical text that attract a reader’s attention and to be a means of poetic expressiveness. It is noted that the “morphological dominant” can be one of the features of a poet’s creative heritage or its certain period.

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