
This paper reports the temperature and the concentration dependence of anisotropic etching for (100) p-Silicon in an aqueous KOH solution etching rate of wet etching has been experimentally determined with varying concentrations and the temperature of the KOH solution. The texturing process was managed at different etching durations ( 20 min, 40 min, and 60 min). XRD test showed that the lowest value of grain size was 5.0 nm (obtained with the highest porosity percentage of 50% with 4.5% KOH concentration for 60 min). FESEM test showed that the pore diameter increased with increasing etching time. The lowest reflectance value was (2.8 % at 550 nm wavelengths for samples treated with 4.5% KOH concentration for 60 min etching time. The refractive index value was 1.8 for the same black Si sample, also Hall test is introduced.

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