The genital system ofCryptazeca monodonta is very similar to those reported for semidiaulic stylommatophores, but with some specific features. The fertilization pouch is simple and surrounded by subepithelial goblet gland cells. The spermoviduct has two different grooves: the oviductal channel and the spermatic groove, which run together with a blind-ending allospermiduct that opens into the lumen of the free oviduct. The vagina has a thick muscular wall with numerous pigmentary cells embedded in it. The vas deferens diverges from the spermiduct and becomes mainly glandular just before it joins the penis. This genital system is equipped with an auxiliary copulatory structure that consists of two independent and complementary organs. One of them is located just before the fusion of the free oviduct and the spermatheca stalk lumina and consists mainly of a thick mass of connective tissue. The other is a muscular sarcobellum located inside the penis. Both these organs are covered by small papillae whose connective cells are stacked. Each papilla has a solid spine on its top, which seems to be of mesenchymatous origin. As in other stylommatophores, the auxiliary copulatory organ is equipped with an adjoining gland, which inCryptazeca is next to the sarcobellum.
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