
Purpose: creation of working classification of morphologic variations of postoperative lens capsule opacity after Micro-Invasive cataract surgery. Material and methods. Morphologic study of the lens capsule (LC) has been conducted on 4 artiphakic cadaveric eyes. A specimen of an isolated anterior lens capsule, obtained during the repeated operation with changes characteristic for anterior capsular contraction syndrome has been studied too. The obtained specimens have been researched with the method of semithin sections. Results. The analysis of the morphologic cadaveric LC specimens revealed the polymorphism of secondary cataract (SC). Besides well known “classic” SC forms, which were caused by fibroplasias processes or pseudo-regeneration a new type of postoperative LC opacity not represented in the available literature before has been revealed. The given variant of opacities was called “pseudo-hyaloid” form and characterized by the absence of clear LC borders, changes of its normal structure, the appearance of loose fibrillar structure with microslit spaces and exfoliations, that possibly was the consequence of acustic cavitation, arising in the result of ultrasonic effect. As a result the LC lost characteristic for it the role of the dense bed and made impossible adhesion and migration on its changed surface the proliferative fibrocellular elements characteristic for “classic” SC forms. The microscopy results of the isolated anterior LC specimen in the area of capsulotomic aperture showed the presence of altered abundant loose fibrillar tissue with microporous structure and expressed forming of folds. Making layers of fibrous tissue exceeded the thickness of the normal anterior LC in 10 and more times and considerably reduced the diameter of capsulotomic aperture. Conclusion. The variety of postoperative LC opacities confirmed by the results of morphologic studies afforded to suggest a new working classification in which all possible morphologic variants and the stages of the secondary pathologic changes forming of anterior LC. The suggested classification is convenient for the understanding and must promote to make a right algorithm in the choice of optimal and safe technology of laser reconstructive interventions.


  • 2018;15(3):309–317 подбора его оптимальных энергетических параметров ческие препараты исследовали с помощью метода полив соответствии с клинико-морфологической формой хромно окрашенных полутонких срезов на световом ми‐

  • Приведенная фиброцеллюлярная выстилка с внутренней поверхности морфологическая картина подобных изменений в капсулы хрусталика (КХ) передней капсулы хрусталика (ПКХ) более тонким слоем переходит на ее переднюю

  • The anterior lens capsule embedded in fibrocellular tissue

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Конфликт интересов отсутствует

Morphologic Versions of Postoperative Opacities of the Lens Capsule in Contemporary Cataract Surgery. Morphologic Versions of Postoperative Opacities of the Lens Capsule in Contemporary Cataract Surgery (Working Classification). 2 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

Средний возраст полученных аутопсийных образцов
Исследование второго образца
Polychrome staining
Миграция эпителиальных клеток к центру и их трансформация в фибробласты
Postoperative aberrant proliferation of the lens epithelium cells
Combined form of secondary cataract
Сведения об авторах
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