
Background. Diving experience and the influence of factors of professional activity lead to the development of cardiovascular pathology and the study of the state of the cardiovascular system of divers is one of the urgent problems of modern medicine. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine hereditarily structural and functional features of the cardiovascular system representatives of extreme professions of the Navy and differentiate them from the influence of some factors. Design and methods. Surveyed 81 military personnel at the age of 21-44 years. The surveyed were represented by three groups, which did not differ significantly in age. In the first group (n = 31) included the deep-sea divers, the second group (n = 28) was introduced by the technical operators of deep-sea vehicles and third (n = 22) group consisted of officers of the Navy, which were not factors of diving work and the specific factors of deep-sea resources. Used regulated and special methods for the study of the cardiovascular system, which was estimated depending on the polymorphic gene variants of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) gene and collagen type 1 (COL1A1) gene. Results. Statistically significant differences in the distribution of polymorphic variants of the MMP-1 and COL1A1 genes from the specialists of the Navy of the surveyed groups, the distribution of genotypes and analysis in the future was conducted on the combined group. Fifteen groups of indicators (clusters) were identified that change unidirectionally depending on the polymorphic variants of the MMP-1 gene and the COL1A1 gene. Identified favorable and unfavorable combination of polymorphic gene variants of the gene MMP-1 and the gene COL1A1. Conclusion. The resistive characteristics of the cardiovascular system respond to the conditions of professional activity, including those of specialists in extreme specialties of the Navy. Basic resiliently-elastic properties of the cardiovascular system are associated with polymorphic variants of the MMP-1 and COL1A1 genes involved in the synthesis and degradation of collagen; however, to determine the specific role of each under the influence of extreme occupational factors, larger studies are required.


  • Diving experience and the influence of factors of professional activity lead to the development of cardiovascular pathology and the study of the state of the cardiovascular system of divers is one of the urgent problems of modern medicine

  • Комплекс методов исследования сердечно-сосудистой системы, включающий в себя: ЭхоКГ, ВЭМ, УЗДГ, объемную сфигмографию (ОС), лазерную доплеровскую флуометрию (ЛДФ), ультразвуковую доплеровскую флуометрию (УЗФ), — позволил определить особенности центральной и периферической циркуляции, значимо отличающие водолазов от других специалистов военно-медицинского флота (ВМФ)

  • На рисунке 1 представлена диаграмма рассеяния обследуемых групп по наиболее значимым показателям, характеризующим сосудистой системы (ССС) специалистов ВМФ

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Diving experience and the influence of factors of professional activity lead to the development of cardiovascular pathology and the study of the state of the cardiovascular system of divers is one of the urgent problems of modern medicine. Список сокращений: ВМФ — военно-морской флот, ВЭМ — велоэргометрия, ГТС — глубоководных технических средств, ЛДФ — лазерная доплеровская флуометрия, ОС — объемная сфигмография, ОТГС — операторы технических глубоководных средств, ССЗ — сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, ССС — сердечно-сосудистая система, УЗДГ — ультразвуковое исследование сосудов шеи, УЗФ — ультразвуковая доплеровская флуометрия, ЭхоКГ — эхокардиография, COL1A1 — ген коллагена 1 типа альфа 1, MMP-1 — матриксная металлопротеиназа 1.

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