The study aims to reveal the morphology of the male sex accessory glands of the pangolin at macroscopic and microscopic levels. Macroscopic observation included measurement of length and thickness of each accessory gland while microscopic observation, sample of each accessory gland was processed by histology technique with paraffin method and sliced with 3-5 ?m thickness and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining for general structural observation, coloration of alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to observe the distribution of acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides in each glands. The results showed that the male sex accessory glands of the pangolin consist of vesicular gland and prostate, and bulbourethral gland which were not observed macroscopically. The average length and thickness of vesicular gland were 1.07 cm and 0.41 cm, while the prostate was 1.17 cm and 0.54 cm respectively. All accessory glands were lobulated and separated with a thick connective tissue into lobes and lobules. Acinar cells in the vesicular glands were a serous type, whereas acinar cells in the prostate and bulbourethral gland were the mucous types. Secretion of vesicular gland contains neutral mucopolysaccharide with low concentrations and prostate containing neutral mucopolysaccharide with moderate conJurnal Veteriner Maret 2019 Vol. 20 No. 1 : 38 - 47 pISSN: 1411-8327; eISSN: 2477-5665 DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2019.20.1.38 Terakreditasi Nasional, Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, online pada http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jvet Kemenristek Dikti RI S.K. No. 36a/E/KPT/201639 centrations, and did not secrete acid mucopolysaccharide. Secretion of bulbourethral glands contains neutral and acidic mucopolysaccharide with strong concentrations. Macroscopically the bulbourethral gland is not observed but has a high carbohydrate which acts as to produce of cement plasma and rinsing urethra from urine. 
Trenggiling (Manis javanica) merupakan satwa liar langka yang dilindungi oleh pemerintah RI berdasarkan UU No 5 Tahun 1990 dan PP No 17 Tahun 1999
The study aims to reveal the morphology of the male sex accessory glands of the pangolin at macroscopic and microscopic levels
Macroscopic observation included measurement of length and thickness of each accessory gland while microscopic observation, sample of each accessory gland was processed by histology technique with paraffin method and sliced with 3-5 μm thickness and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining for general structural observation, coloration of alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to observe the distribution of acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides in each glands
Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel organ reproduksi dari satu ekor trenggiling (M. javanica) jantan yang telah difiksasi dalam larutan Bouin selama 48 jam dan dipindahkan ke dalam alkohol 70%. Pengamatan secara makroskopis dilakukan terhadap posisi in situ, bentuk, dan ukuran organ kelenjar aksesori. Pengukuran panjang dan ketebalan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaliper dalam satuan sentimeter (cm). Hasil pengamatan makroskopis didokumenta-sikan menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 400D. Sampel jaringan diambil dari masing-masing bagian kelenjar aksesori kelamin jantan, yaitu secara melintang dari bagian cranial, medial, dan caudal, serta secara memanjang. Selanjutnya dilakukan sayatan dengan alat mikrotom rotary dengan ketebalan 5 μm. Sayatan jaringan disimpan dalam inkubator selama semalam dan selanjutnya dilakukan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin (HE) untuk pengamatan struktur umum jaringan, serta pewarnaan alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5 untuk mengamati komposisi karbohidrat asam dan periodic acid Schiff (PAS) untuk mengamati komposisi karbohidrat netral (Kiernan, 2001; Suvarna et al, 2013). Hasil pengamatan mikroskopis didokumentasikan menggunakan mikros-kop cahaya (Nikon® Eclipse E600) yang dilengkapi alat mikrofotografi digital (Canon® EOS 700D). Semua hasil penga-matan dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan gambar
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