
In this paper we intend to address the morality and behavior problems when using multi-agent systems as a methodology for problem solving when applied to Group Decision Support Systems in Medicine, where the universe of discourse is modeled in terms of a Multi-valued Extended Logic Program (MuvELP) language. It is also presented a formal method to assess moral decisions and moral behavior, accepted as a process of quantification of the Morally Preferable Relation (MPR), measured as the quantity of Quality-of-Information that stems from the logic programs that make the extension of MPR. On the other hand, it was also presented a process to qualify an extension of a logic program as a relational database, therefore taking advantage of the power of relational algebra for problem solving purposes, i.e to set the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.KeywordsLogic ProgramMultiagent SystemLogic ProgrammingMoral AgentIntelligent AgentThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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